Sunday, January 22, 2012

Statement of Purpose =)

At the encouragement of a friend, I am starting a cooking blog.  To be honest, though, I can make no promises as to how often I will post.  I'm pretty bad at blogging =).  It also depends on how often I get into a cooking frenzy.  Questions from readers might also help spur new posts.

As for the content of this blog, I do not plan to post actual recipes (i.e. exact measurements, temperatures, etc).  There are plenty of recipes on the interwebs.  I will post tips, tricks, and other information that one might want.

Have fun cooking!  I find it to be one of the most satisfying activities around.

Sihk Faahn!!


  1. LOL! I like the use of Cantonese expression. :) I will start thinking of questions...

  2. Dear Nathan,

    What kinds of foods do you like to keep around in the freezer? Sometimes I walk by the frozen aisle in the grocery store and think, hmm, I really should get some frozen veggies for the nights I don't have time to do lots of cooking prep.

    An amateur cook
